“I learned to always take on things I’d never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist."
- Ginni Rometty
I don’t believe in drawing a line between the personal and professional sides of our lives. We live every day in the gray in-between, so here you’ll find my thoughts, advice, and tips on how to optimize both.
Start with “I”
Women, especially, can find themselves putting everyone else’s needs in front of their own because we are born to nurture – it is innate in us – and we are afraid of being seen as selfish.
What are you waiting for?
You have to stop waiting. You have to jump. You have to stop staring down, wondering – you’ll only get the answer when you take the leap.
#TBT: On Becoming A Working Mother
When I speak at events or colleges, I often get questions from young women about how I “do it all.” They have concerns, especially, about becoming mothers and continuing their careers. They always ask about work/life balance.
The Power Of “Yes”
When I say "yes" to someone, they remember. It's a gesture, an extra step in showing that this relationship - this connection - matters to me.
What “I Love You” Means
if anyone you love starts to tell you that your definition of love must match theirs, it’s time for a serious conversation.
Six Common Mistakes Leaders Repeat
I’ve seen a lot in regards to leadership, HR, and management. I’m not perfect – I believe the best leaders are always learning, just like everyone else – but here are six mistakes I’ve seen leaders repeatedly make.
Looking For Some Epic, Adventurous Women
In February, I’ll be pushing myself out of my comfort zone to attend this Epic Women adventure and hike through these scenes.
Leaders Know How To Be A Duck On Water
One of the most important and useful tips I've given is to be like a duck on the water - even when you're going mad trying to handle multiple demands, requests and needs, look calm.
The magic of solitude
From billboards to your phone, dressing rooms to grocery carts, it can be hard to turn it all off. Have you ever stopped to notice the amount of quiet time that you have?
Accepting Your Own Failure As A Success
I got lucky with my first business. We are entering our 21st year! Of course, how do you get “lucky”? You work your tail off! And I did. I recognized an opportunity in a very busy market.
New Book Helps Parents And Educators Raise Confident, Powerful Female Leaders
I think we will only see a sea change for women in business if we can start teaching young girls some fundamental things during their adolescent development.
My Son Was Bullied. Here’s What I Did And The Reaction I Received From Other Parents
I picked my 11-year-old up at the bus stop. He got into the car and burst into tears. After some coercing to tell me what was wrong, he admitted that he had been verbally attacked by a group of boys in the locker room after gym class.
Worth the Wait
I’m getting old, I know this. Because all of this news made me think about what a valuable lesson (multiple lessons, really) it was for me as a teen to learn to wait. Waiting is hard. And that’s what makes it so good.
The things they say
Yesterday was the first day of school for my sons. At the end of the day I interrogated them like all good Moms do, including questions about girls.
Get Back Up…Again
My beautiful son, you are entering middle school in exactly one month and three days. It will be a time of great change and great challenge for you.