“I learned to always take on things I’d never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist."
- Ginni Rometty
I don’t believe in drawing a line between the personal and professional sides of our lives. We live every day in the gray in-between, so here you’ll find my thoughts, advice, and tips on how to optimize both.
Leadership Redefined: The Art of Making Everyone Feel Valued
The journey to becoming a leader who truly listens and connects with others is not without its challenges. It requires a conscious effort to remain humble and grounded, even as we ascend in our careers. The moment we begin to distance ourselves from those we serve is the moment we risk losing the very essence of leadership.
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
Are you training your leadership team to cultivate emotional intelligence?
I Statements, Ego, and Leadership
Good leaders recognize the crucial nuances between personal and professional relationships and use the right psychological principles to motivate a workforce.
Founders: Admit What You Don’t Know
Seek mentors, build a team of people who bring expertise to the table that you don't have. That often starts with looking at what you're NOT good at and admitting it - something a lot of founders struggle with.
Women Making History Today: Aliah Davis-McHenry
Life as a black woman in America is challenging as we are at the intersection of racism and sexism. The senseless deaths due to racism weigh heavy. Those, coupled with the everyday racism and microaggressions, make me feel helpless and fearful - especially as a mother. There are times (read: most of the time) I feel mentally and emotionally exhausted and angry but I have to push through and put on a brave face for work and at home.